Channel: ! *أحبك يا رسول الله......أحبك يا الله !
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Buka FB - top news di newsfeed:

  • Paul Walker was the passenger in the super-car which spun out of control and hit a pole and tree
  • The 40-year-old starred in five of the six films about illegal street racing and heists 
  • Actor had been at an event for his charity Reach Out Worldwide before deciding to take the car out for a drive
  • The fundraiser to benefit victims of Typhoon Haiyan was taking place in a race car shop near to the crash scene 
  • Guests rushed to the scene to put the flames out with fire extinguishers but the fireball had already engulfed the car
  • Walker was the father of daughter, Meadow, 15, who recently moved to California to be closer to him
  • The driver of the vehicle was former race car driver Roger Rodas, Walker's friend and financial adviser
  • Sheriff's Department has said that speed was a factor in the crash, while the bodies were so badly burned it will take days for them to be positively identified

Umat islam dilarang ucap "REST IN PEACE/ R.I.P" kepada orang kafir yang  mati...

Mungkin kalau kita tahu bait penuh ucapan “Rest in Peace” atau RIP, kita tidak akan berani mengucapkannya lagi. Ucapan RIP ini merupakan do’a Kristian Katolik kepada pengikutnya yang telah menemui ajal berbunyi “May his soul and the souls of all the departed faithful by God’s mercy rest in peace” atau ucapan asal didalam Latin "Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace". Ucapan ini memohon kepada Tuhan agar roh simati dirahmati Tuhan.

Persoalannya, apakah hukum umat Islam mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga si-mati yang bukan Islam? Agama Islam membenarkan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga orang bukan Islam yang telah menemui ajal. Kita bolehlah memberi ucapan seperti “kami bersimpati dengan apa yang anda hadapi”, “Kami turut bersedih diatas kehilangan beliau”, dan sebagainya. Atau didalam bahasa Inggerisnya seperti : “May Allah compensate you in your loss” , “Sorry to hear this tragic news, my sympathies are with deceased’s family on this sorrowful moment”, dsb.

Apa yang dilarang adalah memohon Allah merahmati roh si-mati sepertimana ucapan Rest In Peace. Kita dilarang memohon agar Allah mengampuni si-mati yang bukan Islam. Firman Allah swt :

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kafir, dan mereka mati sedang mereka tetap dalam keadaan kafir, mereka itulah orang-orang yang ditimpa laknat Allah dan malaikat serta manusia sekaliannya. (161) Mereka kekal di dalam laknat itu, tidak diringankan azab sengsara dari mereka dan mereka pula tidak diberikan tempoh atau perhatian. (162) Dan Tuhan kamu ialah Tuhan yang Maha Esa; tiada Tuhan (Yang berhak disembah) selain dari Allah, yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani." (al-baqarah 2;161-163)

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